Hi there…
I’m Jennifer Bried
I have spent 16 years coaching and facilitating maxed out, burned out, brilliant professionals in the space of time management, organization and prioritization.
I’m convinced it’s an elusive game… you can aim all you want to manage the heck out of your life, your inbox, your kids and your calendar- but it’s the invisible layer under it all that must be mastered… knowing what matters most and being ruthlessly committed to being present for that.
In doing deep work with folks at all levels, across a variety of fields around the globe- I fear the issue is not that life is TOO short and TOO fast, but instead, that we’ve succumb to life’s distractions like a piece of driftwood in the ocean.
And so, I continue to obsess on how we can seize the joy and maximize our contribution amidst it all.
I coach and create learning experiences using the best ingredients from a diverse toolbox, including neuroscience, psychology, human behavior and tendencies, enneagram and strengths, mindset, joy, habit creation, wellness and connection- all to partner in a way that’s inspiring, relatable and most importantly, impactful.